I've recently been shopping for my holidays (which on the one hand, at this point in summer is good as there are sales, and on the other is bad as autumn clothes now fill the rails), however, my day today will be spent packing, something which is a massive task for me and that i find extremely stressful as i don't know what strategies to use and what i will feel like wearing on the days. But of course with packing comes a holiday! and right now i desperately need seeing as autumn has arrived prematurely and every morning i wake in freezing conditions. I am going to Crete for just one week but with temperatures around 38 degrees i am hopeful to get a 'good' tan. This also allows me to say my goodbyes to the blogging world but i will be back in a week with a long post packed full of holiday photos!

ahh your so lucky! those pictures look beautiful :)
ahha, im v. excited :)
i love packing!
have fun in crete :)
sounds like itll be amazing, hope you get that tan (: have fun!
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